Canadian business interview oppurtunity

Better Business for All of Canada

Today we have something special to announce. The staff at TLI Colombia would like to henceforth begin our surveys and adaptions into more markets than previously before. We’ve been thinking about this for a while and although British Columbia will always remain our founding location and main base of operation we do not regret our desire to expand into new and broader fields. That’s why now in the second half of 2022 we will be interviewing successful business owners all across Canada.

If you’re a Canadian business owner and are reading this now and want to be featured here, we would be happy to meet in person or interview you over email if you’re far.

Get in contact here.

Thanks for your participation!

car paint

What I Learned Visiting a Car Paint Shop in Hamilton Ontario

If you’re not really into cars, racing, engines and that kind of stuff, you may not find it very interesting visiting the interior of a car paint shop, especially one in Hamilton, ON, of all places. That’s what I thought I’d be, bored out of my mind while I waited for my friend’s car to get a new paint job. But, I was wrong! In fact, I had so much fun, became so curious and learned so much while spending two hours in a car paint shop that I wanted to write this experience down and share it with you all.

Maybe during another time of year, this time at a car paint shop may have not been so interesting. But since it was springtime things we’re rather bustling and unique. Like I mentioned, I was there because my friend was getting their car painted. One of the first things I did while waiting was walk up to an elderly lady who was also waiting for her car to get painted. I ask her, “So why are you getting your car painted.”

She replied, “Because it’s spring and I want my car looking fresh like the blooming flowers.”

I thought this was fascinating, and more so when I asked another person why they were getting their car painted and they said the same thing. It lead me to wonder if the human psyche has some kind of biological reaction to springtime. Maybe we developed the habit of spring cleaning and refreshing our home and possessions this time of year because of some ancient instinct our animalistic forefathers bore. Anyway, I won’t get too far off track there.

So, basically, what did I learn visiting the car paint shop Hamilton kindly provided to us? Well, what I learned actually had nothing to do with painting cars at all. What I learned had more to do with human nature. You see, I may not be able to prove that it’s an instinct scientifically, but there’s something about springtime that gets people cleaning and fixing things. Maybe its the excitement of winter ending or preparing for summertime festivity. Either way, it’s real and we can’t deny it. So what I learned visiting that quaint car paint shop was that humans are habitual creatures indeed, and sometimes we ourselves can’t even fully explain why it is we do the things we do.

3 other things I learned:

  1. Hamilton is not as boring of a city as I expected.
  2. Painting a car doesn’t take as long as I thought. (The car paint shop we went to is called Tip Top Auto Body at 350 Sherman Ave N and they did a fantastic job, in case you were wondering)
  3. Despite people’s inclination to get their car painted in spring, I’m stunned as to why people wouldn’t choose brighter springtime colors instead of dark greens, silvers and reds.

I hope you learned something too from this experience. Thanks for reading and make sure to visit our blog at TLI Colombia for more interesting articles.

It’s never too late to innovate

If you’re sick of working full time for little pay and dream of creating your own business, now in 2021, and I believe 2022 and future years will keep getting better, has never been a better time to innovate in the business world. With services like Amazon and Shopify, WordPress and Instagram at your disposal for you to take advantage of, you’ll find that there are so many business models that haven’t even been invented yet.

Instead of going the conventional route, expecting how you’ll compete with other plumbers when there are already a hundred plumbers in your area, you can take advantage of the most recent technology and invent new businesses that have never been invented yet. What those businesses are, I could never possibly tell you because you have yet to invent them.

Take inspiration from the past, but think for the future. Ten years ago we all used to use phone books. Someone had to invent whatever we use now to replace phone books. You might just want to sit in a chair and think for several hours. Think positive, think thoughts that have never been thought before, get inspired by good music and good food, and just think

Because it’s never too late to innovate in the business world!

creativity in business

Creativity in Business Innovation

Can innovation exist without creativity? Before we get into a philosophical debate, arguing over whether or not human agency really exists or if everything is predetermined, let’s get down to business. Shall we? In the strictest of terms, innovation is the novelty of evolution. Innovation in business relies on creativity, I argue, unless it isn’t pure luck that a scientist stumbles upon a new chemical without creating it. But how a newly discovered chemical changes civilization is up to the creativity of the scientist.

So, if business innovation relies on creativity, does this mean that by honing your creativity you can increase innovation in business? Assuming innovation is a good thing for your business, becoming more creative, or thinking outside of the box as others say, gives a rising chance for innovation in any sector.

For instance, a fighter in mixed martial arts who has studied unchanging techniques over a period of thirty years can suddenly get creative and break away from tradition. It’s never too late to invent new fighting styles and new ways to subdue and grapple your opponent. With that said, starting to learn how to fight by educating yourself on the founding principles of your style or school makes it easier to then break away from tradition and begin to innovate effectively. Because, of course, innovation may be a downgrade or not very desirable at all. That’s why it’s also best to leave innovation up to the experts who know what’s best, and where creativity is actually useful and not destructive.

In a business setting, letting the wrong people get too creative can be disastrous, whether the business is long-established or up and coming. This often happens when young people inherit their parents business and break away from tradition. In these cases, creativity is not always good and instead of innovating it’s sometimes best to pay respect to methods that have already proven to work. Conserving tradition is important, but innovation, too, like switching to electric cars, for example, can bring amazing benefits to the planet as a whole.

All of this is why I’m of the opinion that in any business their must be a balance of creativity and tradition. Too much of one or the other can lead to unwanted results in earnings reports. Young people may put security at risk by putting too much faith in change, while old people can put a damper on growth by refusing the young their freedom to make change. So, like in all things perhaps, maintaining a balance is important.

Thanks for exploring these ideas with me.

The Importance of Learning Business Skills From Professionals

As humans, especially humans in business, we must be wary of where we take our advice from. It’s easy to listen to all the loud voices out there who are ready to offer business tips, but should we really listen to them? Business skills come from experience as well as from lessons taught by teachers, but in my experience growth comes must faster if we first grasp the lessons that business experts have to offer.

Here I will be explaining why it’s important to get your business advice from experienced professionals rather than friends, family or elsewhere. Your brother might be wont to tell you why you should make changes to your business, but should you listen to him if he has no real business credentials to back his words up?

Students go to business school because they know their teacher is a credible source for information, and at school you have access to business textbooks and other materials that are hard to find elsewhere. But this is all beside the point. Perhaps the best reason why you should never take business advice from rookies is because it might lead to further failure for your business, whereas taking tips from experienced experts has a way higher chance of improving your success. And learning from professionals is most important in the realm of business compared to other fields, because we’re talking about more than just success here. We’re talking about the fulfilment of dreams, the real-world usefulness of products, and services rendered to others for the good of all humanity. If you take the wrong advice, you run the risk of reducing the quality of your services and products which spoils the whole point of starting a business in the first place.

There’s a lesson to illustrate the importance of choosing who you listen to carefully that I’ll share now to drill this final point in deeper. In competitive industries like appliance repair, businesses are prone to imitate each other in ways which lead to more success. For example, one Victoria appliance repair business, when it began to offer warranties on their services, increasing their success and customer return rate, other companies in the area began to do the same thing because it was proven to work. This means that learning business skills from professionals doesn’t always come in the form of listening to a teacher but observing your competition. By observing the competition in your field that has had the most success, you can learn what they’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong.

A major part of being observational is paying attention to your competition and logically comparing your business to theirs. Keep rapport with your competition, befriend them, ask them questions and maybe they’ll be willing to share what worked for them.

At the end of the day, not every business deserves to succeed. It’s the ones that learn and adapt that continue to grow, while others who fail to adapt are left behind. Us here TLI Colombia hope this information helps, and we wish you the best.